Discover the art of self mastery through coaching
“One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.“
Leonardo Da Vinci
Coaching ignites potential. It’s a powerful tool that enables an individual to access inner resources and experience profound change. With Elaine’s guidance, you will learn how to cultivate awareness of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. These skills assist you to live your life with a deeper sense of purpose, as you evolve towards self mastery.

Repetitive thoughts cause nerve cells in our brain to fire and wire together to form neural networks
Would you like to create lasting change?
Elaine’s personalised programs assist you to understand how neural pathways are created in the brain. She provides knowledge of how to let go of unwanted thought patterns, and how to create new ones for lasting change.
Old habits and beliefs can now be re-programmed and because of the brain’s ever-changing potentials, anything is possible!
“A thought held long enough and repeated often enough becomes a belief. A belief then becomes your biology.”
Dr Christiane Northrup
Meet Elaine
Elaine has always sought the answers to life’s big questions. What began as an outer exploration, soon became an inward journey of self awareness, self love and self compassion.

Access your true potential!
Your portal to…


Discovering your Strengths

Great Skills & Techniques

Feeling Empowered

Personal Growth

Achieving Personal Goals

Understanding Others
“Working with Elaine has been a life changing experience. Her depth of knowledge and sensitivity to my individual needs has inspired me to incredible growth and has given me invaluable tools for the future.”
Carolyn – Carolyn Rea Design

Scientifically proven
At The Alchemist Within, we use proven stress reduction techniques from The Institute of HeartMath; a recognised global leader in emotional physiology and stress-management research. The HeartMath System is comprised of techniques, tools and technology; and has been developed and validated through rigorous scientific research for over 23 years.

Advanced tools to measure your heart and emotional states
The Alchemist Within uses the latest technology to measure your heart rhythm, improve well being and create a more balanced response to stress.
Inner Balance is an innovative technology used to improve wellness through training, education and self monitoring.
When combined with HeartMath techniques, Inner Balance can assist you to create a coherent state.
With practice, this process can change old habits for life, by aligning our physical, emotional and intellectual wellbeing.