HeartMath Inc
HeartMath was founded by Doc Childre in 1991 to help individuals, organizations and the global community incorporate the heart’s intelligence into their day-to-day experience of life. We do this by connecting heart and science in ways that empower people to greatly reduce stress, build resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making better choices. Our goal is to share the HeartMath story in ways that inspire others to create a more heart-connected world with us.
Since our inception we have been developing and delivering research-based, practical, and reliable tools and technologies that enable people to align and connect their heart, mind and emotions to produce transformative outcomes—with more flow and less stress. In essence, our products and services are designed to empower people to improve their experience of life and bring their best selves to their personal, social, and professional lives. Our dedicated leadership team and staff are committed to helping activate the heart of humanity. Compassion, resonance and transformation are core values that guide our interactions and decisions.
HeartMath Science and Research
The HeartMath System is comprised of techniques, tools and technology; and has been developed and validated through rigorous scientific research. Our partner, the non-profit research organization the Institute of HeartMath, is a recognized global leader in emotional physiology and stress-management research. Their studies using HeartMath techniques and technology have been published in many peer reviewed journals including; The American Journal of Cardiology, Harvard Business Review and Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Additional studies are currently taking place in many institutions such as Mayo Clinic, Arizona State University, University of Northampton, Northampton, England and VA Palo Alto Health Care System.
The research supporting our offerings is focused on psychophysiology, neurocardiology and biophysics research, as well as clinical, workplace and organizational intervention and treatment outcome studies. Many of these studies have been done in collaboration with universities, research centers and healthcare system partners. This research has significantly advanced the understanding of heart-brain interactions, heart-rate-variability analysis, emotional physiology and the physiology of optimal learning and performance and provides the foundation of the HeartMath System.
Areas of HeartMath Research/Studies
- Emotional Physiology:
- Heart–Brain Interactions:
- Workplace Studies:
- Treatment Outcome studies in Clinical Populations:
- Heart-Rate Variability (HRV) and Autonomic Function:
- Emotional Energetics:
- Educational Studies:
Emotional Physiology:
A key area of focus of Institute of HeartMath Research Center is exploring our emotions and how they affect our physiology, with an emphasis on the physiological effects of positive emotions.
Heart–Brain Interactions:
The heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue, each influencing the other’s functioning. The signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions. This system and circuitry is viewed by neurocardiology researchers as a “heart brain.”
Workplace Studies:
Studies investigating the impact of HeartMath programs in the workplace have documented a wide range of organizationally relevant outcomes, including increases in productivity, goal clarity, job satisfaction, communication effectiveness, improvement in employee health and reductions in turnover. Studies also have examined the programs’ effect in helping organizations meet the demands of challenges such as downsizing and restructuring.
Treatment Outcome studies in Clinical Populations:
Treatment outcome studies assess how HeartMath’s positive emotion-focused tools and techniques help people with various health problems and they have demonstrated significant improvements in health, psychological well-being and quality of life in people with hypertension, diabetes, congestive heart failure, AIDS and more. Substantial improvements also have been noted in case history data from patients and healthcare professionals who’ve utilized HeartMath interventions for chronic conditions such as cardiac arrhythmia, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, environmental sensitivity, chronic pain and fibromyalgia.
Heart-Rate Variability and Autonomic Function:
IHM conducts ongoing research into heart-rate variability (HRV), a measure of the naturally occurring beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. HRV analysis is a powerful, noninvasive measure of autonomic nervous-system function and an indicator of neurocardiac fitness. HeartMath has published research demonstrating how HRV varies with age and gender and on the use of HRV analyses to assess alterations in autonomic function in conditions such as panic disorder and chronic fatigue.
Emotional Energetics Research:
The heart produces by far the body’s most powerful rhythmic electromagnetic field, which can be detected several feet away by sensitive instruments. Research shows our heart’s field changes distinctly as we experience different emotions. It is registered in people’s brains around us and apparently is capable of affecting cells, water and DNA studied in vitro. Growing evidence also suggests energetic interactions involving the heart may underlie intuition and important aspects of human consciousness.
Educational Studies:
HeartMath’s educational studies examine the effects of HeartMath programs in educational settings. HeartMath tools, techniques, technology and learning programs levels have reduced general psychological distress, test anxiety and risky behaviors and improved test scores, classroom behavior, stress resiliency, learning and overall academic performance at the elementary, middle school, high school and college levels Publications.
Quantum Intech (dba HeartMath Inc) is actively seeking strategic partnerships with world–class organizations that share our passion for helping individuals and organizations reduce their stress levels, live with greater coherence, and function at a high level of performance and health.
Partner Companies: Quantum Intech’s patented technologies and proprietary HeartMath® System, created by stress researcher Doc Childre, are distributed through three different companies with one common vision: to reduce stress, improve health and sustain high performance. Additional companies have joined the core group for licensed activities in Europe and Asia.
The Institute of HeartMath (IHM), founded in 1991, is a nonprofit research and educational organization. IHM conducts research on the relationship between the heart, brain and nervous system and how this relationship impacts health and performance. IHM also develops educational curricula for children from preschool through college. IHM provides programs to improve test-taking results, to help students with ADHD and learning disabilities learn emotional self–regulation, and to enhance overall student performance. IHM has exclusively licensed the HeartMath System, techniques and brand name to Quantum Intech, Inc. Visit www.heartmath.org.
HeartMath LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantum Intech, offers training and consulting services that remarkably boost individual and organizational health and performance. HeartMath LLC, a QI licensee, provides cutting-edge scientifically validated training programs and services that quantifiably—and reliably—improve the health and performance of people in organizations while dramatically reducing debilitating stress. HeartMath learning solutions produce measurable and sustainable results in increased job satisfaction, lowered turnover and lowered health care payout. The organization’s ROI from using HeartMath services, whether a Fortune 100 company or hospital, goes straight to its bottom-line, improving profitability and shareholder value. HeartMath LLC also offers train-the-trainer programs to organizations, one-on-one provider programs to licensed health professionals, and books, tapes and learning products to consumers.
Quantum Intech, Inc. (QI), started in 2002, is a technology licensing and manufacturing company. QI develops, licenses, manufactures and distributes biometric and emotion-regulated technology products. QI owns the patents on the emWave® Coherence System and the worldwide exclusive license to the HeartMath system from IHM. QI licenses its technology solutions to world-class strategic partners.