The Alchemist
Can insights into ancient wisdom unlock your future possibility?
What if we could combine age old wisdom with groundbreaking science, to find processes and ways of living that bring greater joy, clarity and personal power?
Alchemists have always had an innate understanding of the process of transformation. They understood that everything is flexible, fluid and comes from a source greater than what is first reflected.
Alchemy - al·che·my/ˈalkəmē/ is defined as the science of transmuting matter from it's base nature into it's highest potential and most refined state. As a metaphor for personal transformation, we are 'refining one's basic nature and character through mastery of self'. Just as the alchemists of old valued the process of transformation, we too can realize the truth of what is gold in our lives. Alchemists knew that the mystery they sought to solve, was not outside of us but within our psyche. It is through this process of refinement, that we are able to see the brilliance of who we are and what we are capable of achieving.
With a clear intention for change, we can turn our attention inward to explore our inner landscape and ‘mine for gold’.
By unearthing our deepest filters, habitual thinking and emotional reactions, we are able to see what is possible.
Sometimes our probing may reveal aspects of ourselves that make us feel uncomfortable, this is to be expected. We are a society that identifies with the roles we play and being everything to everyone, as we live our very public and visible lives. Through the busyness of living, it’s easy to forget who we are and what our true purpose is. We wear masks to fit in and convince ourselves and others, that what we are doing is creating the life we want. In most cases, it’s the very thing that makes us unhappy and keeps us stuck. Through this process of self discovery, we are able to unravel and dissolve the false images of who we think we are, and connect more deeply with our genuine self and feel alive.
By learning the skills for conscious awareness, we all have the potential to be our own inner Alchemist. We have a natural ability to turn adversity into opportunity, fear into courage, judgment into compassion, hence the metaphor of turning lead into gold. This is our path to self-mastery and ultimately human evolution.
"Alchemy left the laboratories long ago, and has taken its place in the hearts and minds of people everywhere.For any time we interact with others or the material world, we are attempting to change the lead of common experience into something more than it was before."
Thom Cavalli
Why would I choose the inner process of Alchemy?
The original motivation for an inner transformation is to produce an external change. This reality occurs naturally, as a change within reflects our outward experience.
As an alchemist, your aim is to transform limited states of being into new possibilities i.e. an alignment of our thoughts and emotions, shows up as a shift in our an internal and external reality.
Ancient Alchemy
The Ancient Scrolls of Alchemy
Alchemy is both a philosophy and a science. According to both Hermetic and Neoplatonic influences, the primary reward of the Alchemists involved 3 pursuits.
- The Great Work (Magnum Opus). Transmutation of base metals into gold by means of the Philosophers’ Stone (Lapis Philosophorum).
- The Elixir of Life/Quintessence of Life - The concoction of the an ideal potion...a universal medicine bestowing the recipient the gift of eternal life.
- The reintegration, a reconciliation between spirit and matter.
Prima MateriaPrima materia - first matter, is the ubiquitous starting material required for the creation of the philosophers’ stone.
"The alchemists believed that no transformation whether in the laboratory, in the body, or in the soul could succeed without the presence of a mysterious ingredient known as the Materia Prima (First Matter)
Nothing was more important to alchemist’s work than this energetic essence. which they believed could be extracted from any substance and actually rendered tangible and visible."
Dennis William Hauck, Ph.D
"The prima materia is the original substance upon which the individual character of things were imprinted in the process of creation, and the essence into which matter must be dissolved prior to its renovation into a new form."
Martin Ruland - A Lexicon of Alchemy
Anima Mundi
A Latin term for “the soul of the universe.” A concept or idea formulated to constitute the existence and connection or link, between spirit (or pure thought) and Matter.
“A vital force or principle conceived that permeates and animates all material nature.”
The Philosopher's Stone
“The Philosophers’ Stone lapis philosophorum is a legendary holy grail of alchemy, said to be capable of turning base metals such as lead, into gold. It was also sometimes believed to be an elixir of life...possibly for achieving immortality. It stands at the centre of alchemical symbolism and represents perfection, attainment, enlightenment, complete understanding gnosis. For many centuries, is was the most sought after goal in alchemy. Efforts to discover the Philosophers’ Stone were known as the Magnum Opus Great Work.”

The most malleable of all the elemental metals, gold has been sought and prized throughout human history. It is a metaphor for itself, representing all that is valued and valuable and being both a symbol for and an embodiment of riches material and spiritual.
Elixir of Life
An ideal potion bestowing immortality to the one who consumes it, also know as the quintessence of life. It is the universal medicine, the panaacea (so named for the Greek goddess of healing), which is one of the aims of the great work of alchemy.
The 4 Elements of Nature

The first of the four classical elements. The fire element is said to be born during the creation of the universe.
Its glyph is represented by an upward pointing triangle, a symbol of transformation.
The fire element qualities are expansive, radiant and electric. Fire is a masculine energy that can both create and destroy. The human characteristics are passionate, willful and active.
Fire is said to be hot and dry in nature. Its alchemical principle is sulfur (expansion).

The second element born from the act of creation is Water.
Its glyph is represented by a downward-pointing triangle, a symbol of the womb.
The Water element qualities are contracting, cold, wet and magnetic.
Water is a feminine energy, associated with intuition, emotion and receptivity.
Alchemically, water was used for healing, cleansing and purification.

Air is born by the commingling of the Fire and Water elements.
Its glyph is represented by an upward-pointing triangle, with a horizontal line.
The Air element qualities are heat and moisture.
Air is associated with spirit and the divine” Greek pneuman, “spirit”...latin spiritus, “breath” ‘the breath of life.”’
Air manifests as intellect, abstract and idealistic...powers of the mind.
Its alchemical principle is Mercury (integration).

With the birth of the earth element, space, measurement, weight and time have been born.
Its glyph is represented by a downward-pointing triangle with a horizontal line.
The Earth element is made up of the dominant qualities of dryness and coldness, taken from the two primordial elements.
Earth is considered the ultimate feminine element, connected to nurturing, fertility, birth, life, death and re-birth. The human characteristics are practical, physical and material.
Alchemically, this element is typified by salt (contraction).
“It is in the personal work that the refinement of lead into gold is most valuable. The alchemical process of separation…is the first step to knowing oneself…the EARTH of our physical bodies… the AIR of our thoughts, language and choices, the FIRE of our masculine passion (and) the WATER of our feminine intuition. Do we access our pure potentiality?”
Jordan Stratford - The Dictionary of Western Alchemy