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Science & Technology

Finding the link between the heart and the brain

Stress-causing emotions such as irritation, frustration and anger can have a powerful effect on your heart-rhythm patterns. These irregularities have a negative effect not just on your health, but also on your brain function, physical performance, and your sense of well-being. On the other hand, positive emotions such as love, joy, and appreciation keep the heart, mind and emotions aligned, therefore supporting your physical and mental performance to operate in an optimal state.

These graphs show the difference between heart-rhythm patterns under negative emotions (incoherence) and positive emotions (coherence).

At The Alchemist Within we use the latest in HeartMath technology to measure your HRV (heart rate variability) pattern. This scientifically proven monitoring system, will track your progress by checking your coherence levels each session. Your improved state of coherence can also enhance your well being, vitality and create a more balanced response to stress.

The HeartMath technology combined with Elaine’s personalised stress management program, can assist you to create new neural pathways that will change old habits for life, and ultimately maximise performance.

“Heartmath has had a real impact on me and the athletes I train. Using the Heartmath techniques has really impacted their performance, giving them a clear route to the ‘zone’ and a coherent physiological and emotional state that increases the likelihood of them competing to the very best of their ability.”

Michael James - LTA Master Performance Coach, Director of Tennis, Everyball International Academy