The Alchemist Within
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Our Programs

Silver Explore Program

6 sessions over 3 months scheduled fortnightly. Providing email support for the duration of the program. 

Gold Master Program

12 sessions over 6 months scheduled fortnightly. Providing email support for the duration of the program. Plus 4 x 15 minute mastery sessions

Each individual has different aspirations and faces varied challenges. Some clients require more structure, some seek more guidance and some simply need more accountability. A key focus of Elaine's work is to adapt her approach for each individual.

Our coaching programs use cutting edge coaching techniques and brain based theory. We offer a Silver Explore Program for those wishing to work on specific areas of their life. 6 sessions over 3 months. For those seeking a more comprehensive shift in their life, we offer the Gold Master Program 12 sessions over 6 months. For best results are scheduled fortnightly.

Coaching sessions can be conducted face to face, or can take place over the telephone or Skype. Many clients enjoy telephone coaching from the comfort of their own home or office. Whilst others prefer the commitment of meeting face to face. You will also have email access for the duration of the program.

Your first session will use our unique process to delve beneath the surface, to uncover the goals you really want to achieve. The following sessions will provide skills and strategies to motivate you towards achieving your outcomes, to learn more about yourself and what is important to you.

The coaching partnership involves a commitment of time and energy from both coach and client. Therefore a phone consultation is advised to ensure there is a connection before embarking on a coaching partnership.

Coaching is an exciting journey, where you have the opportunity to become more self aware, more resilient and live with greater joy, clarity and focus in your life.